How can I order?

1. select article
2. select color and size
3. enter contact details
4. shipping information
5. select payment method
6. check and send order
7. finished!

1. select article
First, select an item in our online store that interests you. Either browse through the categories in the menu field or enter a term in the search field.
When you select an item, you will find detailed information on sizes, colors, features, materials and specifications of the item.

2. select color and size
Select the right size and color and click on "Add to cart". Your shopping cart will then open and you can easily go directly to the checkout area by clicking on the "Checkout" button.

3. enter your contact details
Here you can either log in with your customer login, register with us as a customer or order as a guest. If you are ordering as a guest, enter your delivery address.
Then click on "Continue to shipping".

4. shipping information
Select your desired delivery address and click on "Proceed to payment". If you have a gift card or a discount code for our products, enter it in the field provided in the shopping cart overview.

5. select payment method
Here you can choose from several payment options.
Select your preferred payment method and click on "Check order".

6. check and send your order
Here you will receive a complete overview of your order. In the last step, check your order overview as well as your address, payment and shipping method.
If everything matches, click on "Buy".

You can find more information about shipping costs under Shipping and costs.

7. done!
Congratulations! Your order will now be forwarded and processed for you. You will receive the goods within 1 to 2 working days, but no later than 4 working days.