Rohner factory store

Virtual tour

In our factory store in Balgach you will find everything about the world of Rohner Socks!
A visit to our modern store is a must not only for sports enthusiasts, but also for fashion-conscious people. Whether you are looking for socks for men, women or children, we are the right place to go. From fashionable socks for everyday wear to hard-wearing hiking socks, we have just the right thing for your feet.

In addition to our standard range, we also offer our B-goods at a reduced price. B-goods are socks that are not functionally impaired, but items that have suffered visual defects during production. This allows us to use our textiles more sustainably and means we don't have to dispose of them.

In addition to the unique Rohner products, you will also find a large selection of underwear and day/nightwear from the brand "Schiesser"shirts from the brand "Purchase" and swimwear from our traditional Swiss brand"Lahco".

Visit us in the small town of Balgach in the beautiful Swiss Rhine Valley and let our trained sales staff advise you.

Rohner factory store
J. Schmidheinystrasse 23
CH-9436 Balgach / St. Gallen

Opening hours:
Mon - Fri: 13:30 - 18:00
Sat: 9:00 - 12:00