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Ex stock Switzerland 🇨🇭

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A look behind the scenes - Saas-Fee photo shoot 2022

We want only the best for our customers. We produce our socks with this in mind and design all processes accordingly. With this in mind, our marketing team in Balgach SG set about planning the 22/23 campaign for our ski and winter sports socks. 

We started looking for suitable locations in Switzerland and found them in beautiful Saas-Fee Längfluh. We organized a photographer, two models and a make-up artist for a professional photo shoot in the ski resort. The outfits were provided on site by our retailer and partner Glacier Sport Saas-Fee. After careful planning, it was then just a matter of hoping for good weather.

Längfluh View of the glacier


With good, sunny weather and lots of socks in our luggage, we then took the train over 300km from Balgach to beautiful Saas-Fee. Two gondola rides further, we were already at 3500m altitude in the Längfluh. The glacier was glowing bluish, the slopes were busy and the weather was really perfect. We couldn't have hit it better. After a short break and a warm coffee, we also got used to the thin air and off we went to take pictures. The schedule was pretty tight, but thanks to good teamwork, we were all able to accomplish our goals for the day. The day was a complete success! Over 500 photos later, we started our return journey, exhausted but satisfied. A working day in one of the most beautiful places in Switzerland was also very exciting for us.


A big thank you goes to photographer Ellin Anderegg for her great work. Rémy Steiner we thank for the great Behind the Scenes pictures and the great support. Our two models Ryan Daynes and Jasmin Brunner, presented our products from their best side. That was just great! Many thanks also to Glacier Sport Saas-Fee for the active support and the provision of the outfits! The Make Up was by Linda Musacchio and MakeItUp the Agency.


Without this professional teamwork, the shoot could not have been done so efficiently and successfully. We hope you like the new campaign images. 🧦❤️

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